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Liminal Space

To put simply, a liminal space is a transitional space or period between the locations of departure and destination, a space between your A and B. Places may include hallways, gas stations and elevators. These places create an ambitious sense of belonging and the not belonging, in which they are the medium for an end. However, this term has been further used to conceptualize emotions and time– the conflicting sense of familiarity and unfamiliarity when returning home just to witness how much things have change, the confusing period of college as you adapt from a high school student to tax-paying citizen.

It is inevitable that these places, these emotions and these times occur throughout our lives– periods of nothingness that will prepare us for what’s to come. But much as uncertainly can make us feel uncomfortable and lost, it is during these transitional period that we experience change, that shape us to who we are. Without us, a room is just a room, a liminal space is just emptiness, but as humans, we have the the power to give meaning to emptiness.

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